
Saturday, 27 July 2013
09:00-09:45K Narayan KumarVerification of Concurrent Recursive Programs
09:45-10:30Aditya NoriProbabilistic Programming: A Program Analysis Perspective
11:00-11:45Paritosh K PandyaIn quest of Kamp Theorems for Metric Temporal Logics
11:45-12:30B SrivathsanReachability in timed and probabilistic systems
14:00-14:45S AkshayOn Skolem's problem with applications to program termination and probabilistic verification
14:45-15:30Ashutosh TrivediStreaming String Transducers
16:00-16:45R VenkateshFormal notations to specify reactive systems
16:45-17:15Vaishnavi SundararajanFrom LTL to deterministic omega-automata
17:15-18:00Open session

Sunday, 28 July 2013
09:00-09:45Kamal Lodaya50 years of the Krohn-Rhodes theorem
09:45-10:30Parag SinglaMarkov Logic: Combining Logic and Probability
11:00-11:45Deepak D'SouzaSome recent techniques for verifying concurrent programs
11:45-12:30Komondoor RaghavanA survey of selected techniques for precise program slicing
14:00-14:30Sathya PeriSoftware Transactional Memory Systems
14:30-15:00Chinmay NarayanVerification of Parameterized Concurrent Programs
15:00-15:30Gautham Shenoy RProving properties of concurrent data structures
16:15-17:00Open session
Prakash SaivasanResults on Multipushdown Systems
Abhishek SankaranA Generalization of the Los-Tarski Preservation Theorem
Suvam MukherjeeVerification of Shared Memory Concurrent Programs

Talk Details