Title: A Game of Pawns
When: Tuesday, 01 November 2022 at 1900 hrs (IST)
We introduce and study pawn games; a class of two-player
turn-based zero-sum games in which the control of vertices
changes dynamically throughout the game. Pawn games naturally
model ongoing decision-making setting in which resources are
transferable. Each vertex of a pawn game is owned by a pawn. In
each round of the game, the pawns are partitioned between the
two players. The player who moves the token from a vertex is
the player who controls the pawn that owns the vertex. A pawn
game is equipped with a mechanism, which the players apply
after each round in order to update the set of pawns that they
control. We define several grabbing-based mechanisms in which
control of at most one pawn transfers at the end of each round.
We study the complexity of solving reachability pawn games,
where we parameterize the problem by the mechanism that is
being used and by restrictions on pawn ownership of vertices.
For the positive news, even though pawn games are
exponentially-succinct turn-based games, we identify some
natural classes that can be solved in PTIME. For the negative
news, we identify some classes for which the problem is
EXPTIME-complete. Our EXPTIME-hardness results are based on a
class of games which we introduce and call Lock-and-Key games,
and which may be of independent interest.
This is a joint work with Guy Avni and Pranav Ghorpade.