Title: Verification of Concurrent Programs with Civl
When: Tuesday, 11 July 2023 at 1900 hrs (IST)
The Civl verifier introduces layered refinement, a new
approach to the construction of verified concurrent programs and their proofs.
This approach simplifies and scales (human and automated) reasoning by
enabling a concurrent program to be represented and manipulated at multiple
layers of abstraction. These abstraction layers are chained together via
simple program transformations; each transformation is justified by a
collection of automatically-checked verification conditions. Civl proofs are
maintainable and reusable, specifically eliminating the need to write complex
invariants on the low-level encoding of the concurrent program as a flat
transition system. Civl has been used to construct verified low-level
implementations of complex systems such as a concurrent garbage collector, a
consensus protocol, and shared-memory data structures.