Title: On Linear Time Decidability of Differential Privacy for Programs with Unbounded Inputs
When: Tuesday, 04 October 2022 at 1900 hrs (IST)
We introduce an automata model for describing interesting
classes of differential privacy mechanisms/algorithms that
include known mechanisms from the literature. These automata
can model algorithms whose inputs can be an unbounded sequence
of real-valued query answers. We consider the problem of
checking whether there exists a constant $d$ such that the
algorithm described by these automata are
$d\epsilon$-differentially private for all positive values of
the privacy budget parameter $\epsilon$. We show that this
problem can be decided in time linear in the automaton's size
by identifying a necessary and sufficient condition on the
underlying graph of the automaton. This paper's results are
the first decidability results known for algorithms with an
unbounded number of query answers taking values from the set
of reals.
This is joint work with Rohit Chadha and Prasad Sistla.