Title: Formal Verification of Distributed Network Control Planes
When: Tuesday, 07 June 2022 at 1900 hrs (IST)
The control plane in many networks is a complex distributed system that
runs various protocols for exchanging messages between routers and
selecting paths for routing traffic. Errors in its configuration can
lead to expensive outages or critical security breaches. The last
decade has seen tremendous advances in applying formal methods to
ensure correctness. In this talk, I will describe our efforts that
started with a general-purpose symbolic model of the behavior of a
network control plane. We encoded the stable states of a network as a
satisfying assignment to a logic formula, and leveraged Satisfiability
Modulo Theory (SMT) solvers to verify a wide variety of network
correctness properties including reachability, fault-tolerance, router
equivalence, and load balancing. Although this approach is very general
and powerful, and works well for small-sized networks (a few hundred
routers), there are scalability challenges. To address these, we
embarked on a series of improvements that use key abstractions
(symmetry abstractions, nondeterministic routing), abstract
interpretation, and modular assume-guarantee reasoning. I will describe
how these techniques successfully handle large-sized networks (several
thousands of routers) that are in operation in modern data centers.
This talk describes joint work with Ryan Beckett, Ratul Mahajan, Divya
Raghunathan, Timothy Alberdingk Thijm, and David Walker.