Monday, December 16, 2024 |
0900 - 1000 FSTTCS Invited Talk |
1000 - 1030 Break |
1030 - 1130 Session B1 (only FSTTCS Track B) |
1130 - 1145 Break |
1145 - 1300 Session B2 (only RHPL) (Chair: Abhisekh Sankaran) |
1145 - 1210
Synthesis for securing hardware designs using logic locking Gourav Takhar (IIT Kanpur) 1210 - 1235 Kondo: Efficient Provenance-Driven Data Debloating Komondoor V Raghavan (IISc, Bangalore) 1235 - 1300 Safety Analysis of AI-enabled Cyber-Physical Systems: A Formal Approach Pavithra Prabhakar (Kansas State University) |
1300 - 1400 Lunch |
1400 - 1500 FSTTCS Invited Talk |
1500 - 1530 Break |
1530 - 1700 Session B3 (only FSTTCS Track B) |
Tuesday, December 17, 2024 |
0900 - 1000 FSTTCS Invited Talk |
1000 - 1030 Break |
1030 - 1130 Session B4 (only FSTTCS Track B) |
1130 - 1145 Break |
1145 - 1245 Poster Session (in parallel to FSTTCS Track B, Session B5) |
1245 - 1400 Lunch |
1400 - 1500 FSTTCS Invited Talk |
1500 - 1530 Break |
1530 - 1705 Session B6 (only RHPL) (Chair: Aalok Thakkar) |
1530 - 1555
Subtyping in concurrent computation Silvia Ghilezan (Mathematical Institute SANU, Univ. of Novi Sad) 1555 - 1610 Learning DNN Abstractions Using Gradient Descent Diganta Mukhopadhyay (TCS Research) 1610 - 1635 Approximate Conformance Checking for Closed-Loop Systems with Neural Network Controllers Habeeb P (IISc, Banagalore) 1635 - 1650 Counter abstraction for open multiagent systems Alphy George (NIT Calicut) 1650 - 1705 Explaining Unsolvability of Planning Problems in Hybrid Systems with Model Reconciliation Mir Md Sajid Sarwar (IACS, Kolkata) |
1730 - 1830 IARCS Business Meeting |
1900 - Conference Banquet |
Wednesday, December 18, 2024 |
0900 - 1000 FSTTCS Invited Talk |
1000 - 1030 Break |
1030 - 1130 Session B7 (only RHPL) (Chair: Sumanth Prabhu) |
1030 - 1045
Logical Synchrony + Functional Processes => Observable Determinacy Sanjiva Prasad (IIT Delhi) 1045 - 1100 Deterministic Suffix-reading Automata Keerthan R (TCS Research) 1100 - 1115 RAVEN: Reentrancy Analysis for Vulnerability EliminatioN Divya Rathore (IIT Madras) 1115 - 1130 Verification of lossy Elementary Object Systems: theory and practice Soumodev Mal (Chennai Mathematical Institute) |
1130 - 1145 Break |
1145 - 1245 Session B8 (only FSTTCS Track B) |
1245 - 1400 Lunch |
1400 - 1500 FSTTCS Invited Talk |
1500 - 1530 Break |
1530 - 1700 Session B9 (only RHPL) (Chair: Divyesh Unadkat) |
1530 - 1555
Partial Redundancy Elimination in Two Iterative Data Flow Analyses Vineeth Paleri (Chanakya University, Bangalore) 1555 - 1620 Example-guided Synthesis of Relational Queries Aalok Thakkar (Ashoka University) 1620 - 1635 Learning real-time one-counter automata using polynomially many queries [Online] Prince Mathew (IIT Goa) 1635 - 1700 Synthesizing Abstract Transformers: Automating Abstract Interpretation [Online] Pankaj Kumar Kalita (IIT Kanpur) |
1700 - 1730 Break |
1730 - 1810 Session B10 (only RHPL) (Chair: Kumar Madhukar) |
1730 - 1745
Logical Model of Cellular Automata [Online] Kamalika Bhattacharjee (NIT, Tiruchirappalli) 1745 - 1810 Demand-driven Information Flow Analysis of WebView in Android Hybrid Apps [Online] Jyoti Prakash (OpenText India) |