Title: Automatic BlackBox Equivalence Checking
When: Tuesday, 07 September 2021 at 1900 hrs (IST)
Several important verification problems can be cast as
equivalence checking problems. A large number of these
equivalence proofs can be completed through bisimulation
relation constructions. I will present our recently proposed
algorithm, called Counter, to automatically compute equivalence
(bisimulation) proofs across two programs, potentially written
in different syntaxes, without prior knowledge of the exact
differences between the two programs (blackbox). Counter has
been successfully used to validate translations of C programs
to highly optimized x86 assembly generated through modern
compilers. Counter has also been used to verify C library
implementations. Through our experiments, we have automatically
generated proofs across complex compiler transformations and
found several bugs in popular open source programs and
general-purpose compilers. I will also briefly discuss the
subtleties of checking equivalence for LLVM programs. Finally
I will outline our recent efforts at automatic verification of
C programs through the Counter algorithm.
This talk will be based on work published at APLAS 2017, HVC
2017, SAT 2018, PLDI 2020, and OOPSLA 2020. It will also
include some of our ongoing work.