Title: Proof-oriented Programming in F*
When: Tuesday, 10 May 2022 at 1900 hrs (IST)
F* is a proof-oriented programming language that has been used
to develop, and deploy, critical software components backed
with mathematical proofs of correctness and security.
Deployments of programs written and proven in F* include
Microsoft Windows Hyper-V, Microsoft Azure, Firefox, Linux,
mbedTLS, and several other production systems. In this talk, I
will begin with an overview of F* and its applications. I will
then talk about our recent work on Steel, a language for
programming and proving concurrent programs embedded in F*.
Steel is based on a higher-order Concurrent Separation Logic,
also derived in F* using a denotation of computations in the
effectful semantics of non-deterministically interleaved atomic
actions. With Steel we have programmed several verified
programs and libraries, including spinlocks, protocol-indexed
channel, and various sequential and concurrent data-structures.