Thursday, 19 July 2018
9.30Narayan Kumar KrishnanVerifying asynchronous programs with locks
10.30Tea Break
11.00R RamanujamLarge games and population protocols
12.00Animesh Basakchowdhury, Raveendra Kumar MCoverage-based Greybox fuzzing as Markov chain
01.00Lunch Break
02.30Madhavan MukundVerification of blockchains and smart contracts
03.30Tea Break
04.00Anantha PadmanabhaSatisfiability problem for Term modal logics

Friday, 20 July 2018
9.30Vaishnavi SundararajanA theory of assertions for Dolev-Yao models
10.30Tea Break
11.00S P SureshA bounded witness theorem for assertions
12.00Sumanth PrabhuSafety Proofs using Syntax and Behaviors
01.00Lunch Break
02.30Kissan DesaiSecurity protocols to prevent malpractices in summative examinations
02.50Rekha PaiData-race Detection for interrupt-driven kernels
03.10Deepak DSouzaData-race Detection for interrupt-driven kernels
03.30Tea Break
04.00Ramchandra PhawadeFree choice nets over distributed alphabets
04.45Abdullah Abdul KhadirKnowledge transfer and information leakage in protocols

Saturday, 21 July 2018
9.30S AkshayBoolean functional synthesis:from theory to practice
10.00Radhakrishnan DelhibabuDynamics of Belief: Abduction, Horn Knowledge Base and Database Updates
10.20Abhisekh SankaranAlgorithmic metatheorems: a survey of results and techniques
11.00Tea Break
11.30Ashwin SrinivasanLogic based system identification
12.00Muqsit AzeemDiscovering Relational Specifications
12.30Aiswarya CyriacReachability in programs with gap-order constraints
01.00Lunch Break