Formal Methods Update Meeting 2010: List of Speakers


Sreejith A VIMScAutomata, treewidth and their regular expressions
Supratik ChakrabortyIIT BombaySatisfiability checking for effectively propositional logic
Deepak D'SouzaIIScRelaxed memory models and data-races
Ratnik GandhiDA-IICTNash equilibria with polynomial algebra
Kamal LodayaIMScFrom temporal logic to circuits
Madhavan MukundCMIVerification of weak-memory models
K Narayan KumarCMIAnalysis of multi-stack systems
Ramchandra PhawadeIMScRegular expressions, derivatives and automata
Sanjiva PrasadIIT DAn operational approach to multiprocessors with caches
N RajaTIFRInteractive proof checking
Benoit RazetTIFRAxiomatisation of regular expressions
S P SureshCMIPublic announcement logic